TabbFORUM at STA: Blue Ocean’s Brian Hyndman Talks Extended Hours

In this segment of TabbFORUM at STA, Brian Hyndman, President and CEO of Blue Ocean Technologies, discusses the expanding global appetite for trading U.S. listed stocks in the overnight hours, particularly in the Asian markets, where Blue Ocean ATS has gained a foothold trading 30-40 million shares a day. In this interview, conducted by TabbFORUM Editorial Director Michael ScottiMr. Hyndman discusses recent developments at Blue Ocean that should boost its growth and shares other metrics about the nascent company’s rise. Mr. Hyndman spoke with TabbFORUM at the Security Traders Association’s 90th Market Structure Conference held in Washington, D.C. from October 11-13.


Interviewer: Michael Scotti, TabbFORUM

Source: TABB TV

Categories: Equities

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